


报告嘉宾:王松永  Song-Yung Wang


  台湾建筑产业之日常耗能与建材耗能所排放CO2约占全体排放量之27.22%,其中建材生产的CO2排放比例高达9.72%,影响地球温暖化甚大,因此正积极推动「绿建筑」策略,而「木质构造建筑」则最符合「绿建筑」之标的。因其主要构材之木质材料使用量约达0.2126 m3/m2,木质材料加工为低耗能,低CO2排放,因此以「木质构造建筑」取代「钢筋混凝土造建筑,RC」时,CO2削减量为384kg/m2,CO2固定量为191 kg/m2,如以136 m2建坪计算,则CO2削减量可达52公吨,并且有26公吨CO2之贮存量。另外,亦积极推动木材应用于生态工程之建造,当以木格框取代混凝土建造挡土墙,节制坝,对CO2削减量可达588kg/m2亦可固定CO2达165kg/m2


Abstract: During recent years, the global greenhouse effect was very serious. According to Kyoto protocol of IPCC, the quantity of greenhouse gas emission, during 2008-2012, must be reduced 5.2% as compared to 1990’s figure. In the forest, tree has photosynthesis mechanism to produce carbohydrates, when trees produce 1 ton of carbohydrate, they need to absorb 1.6 ton of carbon dioxide from atmosphere, and also release 1.2 ton of oxygen to atmosphere. Therefore, increasing the forest covering area ratio, and promoten’s the activity of forest trees, would attain the bio-release goal of global greenhouse effects.

The functions of wood utilization in the prevention of global warming are listed as follows: (1) Carbon storage effect, (2) Lowering energy consumption and carbon dioxide reduction effect, (3) As bio-energy to replace fossil energy.

In Taiwan, the quantity of CO2 released by the building industry and building-material industry is about 27.22% of the total CO2 emission, and the CO2 emission by building-material industry accounts for 9.72% of the total, it would cause great impact on global warming. Therefore, now a 「green building strategy」is promoted, However, the 「Wooden construction building」 is the best way to achieve the aim of 「green building strategy」, because it would use about 0.2126 m3/m2 of wood-based materials for the main construction materials. The production of wood-based materials as a low energy consumption and low carbon dioxide emission, therefore, a 384 kg/m2 reduction of carbon dioxide emission will be obtained by using 「wooden construction building」to replace the 「Reinforced concrete building」,and it also can store 191 kg/m2, of carbon dioxide, when the calculation is determined on the basis of 136 m2of flooring area, a 52 tons of reduction of carbon dioxide emission can be obtained, and it also can store 26 tons of carbon dioxide in this building construction of wooden-materials. Besides, the wooden-materials can be used to make a wood frame in an ecological engineering, for example as retaining wall, or check dam, to replace the concrete retaining wall, or check dam, and 588 kg/m2 of reduction of carbon dioxide emission could be obtained, and it also can store 165 kg/m2 of carbon dioxide in wooden construction materials. Hence, the promotion of wood culture, to let people understand the benefit of biomaterial-(wood) on the people’s health and living environment, and they would be like to use the wooden materials as a surrounding materials around living environment. It could make a special living style, and be response the living philosophy.

As a result it would became one kind of wood culture, it also could be included in the range of forest culture. These could affect forest management increase forest area, and promote the utilization of sustainable resource. As a result it could obtain a positive influence on the improvement of global greenhouse effect.
