报告嘉宾:有马孝礼 Takanori Arima
报告摘要: Timber (Wood) has been used as the most important constructive and decorative material from ancient times. The importance of wood will certainly increase in future years since among all of the building materials it is the major renewable resource. Further, in view of growing energy consciousness and carbon dioxide concentration in the earth's atmosphere, its use is to be encouraged since wood processing requires relatively small amount of energy and timber structure can store carbon for many years. The use of wood waste produced from industries that are processing or consuming timber, therefore, has also become one of the most important problems. On the other hand, most of the wood waste from demolished building and used furniture seems to be mainly disposed of by dumping and burning. Most of the residues from lumber mills and plywood industries are carried into paper, particleboard and fiberboard industries are as chips of flakes. Existing utilization of sawdust is wood briquette, charcoal, and covering powder on floor for cattle. Even when wood burnt the gas does not include SOx and Nox which are main sources of acid rain. In order to prevent possible pollution durable material and structure (increasing the life time of wood products and buildings). Wood (timber) can therefore be an environmentally desirable material, provided that it comes from forests properly managed for long term sustained yield production. However, it is essential that wood (timber) engineering and any waste utilization scheme requires a sound understanding of public for saving energy and resources.