演讲嘉宾:Rasa Bertasiute
Open Air museum of Lithuania, Kaunas Technology University, Lithuania
The aim of the article is to discuss the issues of rural architecture and to define the principles of creating new architecture, criteria for identification and visual expression that can be used to develop new buildings, preserving landscape features and site identity.
Historically cities are changing rapidly with new advanced cosmopolitan ideas and villages protect their distinctive ethnic - cultural architectural forms cultivating traditions. Confrontation and tension between tradition and modernity stimulate progress and architectural change. However, the rapid processes of globalization penetrate cultural landscapes breaking the principles of sustainable consistent development. It is important today that new architectural objects in rural areas, as the symbols of present-day visual expression, do not become international but have a strong connection with local contexts.
In the process of constant change rural culture integrates traditions and innovations the relationship of which determines the identity of places communities and people. Tradition can thus be deliberately refreshed, reproduced, modified. The features and characteristics of the village that distinguish it from the city - commonality, similarity, integrity, continuity of tradition - can be not only inherited but also consciously chosen. The importance of architecture, urban structures and landscape change dependent on human intervention is increasingly associated with identity issues.
A rural community is needed to maintain the rural tradition which would understand the importance of current processes and consciously assume responsibility for fostering the environment and landscapes as a resource for cultural memory. It is also a challenge for today's architects who are probably the most responsible for the changes that are taking place in protected areas. Architects have to understand that changing the environment they change the identity of the place and the community. Each site is different and only because of its specificity (tangible and intangible contexts) can natural diversity be created.