The Sound of Wood: An Intercultural Perspective on Wooden Percussion Instruments——2019世界木材日研讨会


报告嘉宾:Gerd Grupe
     University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria

Wood-based musical instruments occur in cultures all around the globe. While many such objects at least contain some part made of wood we will focus on those which are completely or at least primarily made of wood, i.e., feature wooden logs, sticks or boxes. Thus, we will exclude string and wind instruments as well as drums all of which often involve the use of wooden parts in favor of xylophones, concussion sticks, and “drums” without skins. Such instruments can be found in quite different parts of the world and in quite different kinds of musics and musical settings. Some typical examples taken from various musical traditions will be presented in order to demonstrate the rich potential of wooden musical instruments for creative expression.
