会议地点:柬埔寨 · 暹粒
演讲嘉宾:Mark Griffiths, England
摘要:Through a combination of science and field based experiments archaeological study can inform us of objects created in our distant past. However, if we wish to gain an understanding of the human element, or the mind of the maker, the act of re-creating or re-interpretation of the find can give a new insight into the artistic process at work. Collaborating with artists and craftspeople in authentic locations and conditions, archaeologists are able to gain new perspectives on the original conception, inspiration and creation of these links to our past.
With the generous support of the World Wood Day Foundation and the combined skills of the Pallasboy team we have undertaken to further research carefully selected items which have been discovered in the wetlands of Ireland and Scotland by their re-crafting.
My talk will introduce the work carried out by the Pallasboy team over the past three years, before outlining our current project to carve an exact replica of an Oak timber boat from the Iron age discovered on the bed of Lough Corrib Ireland in 2013. This simple vessel is a unique example of the craft that opened up trade routes through the waterways of Ireland, and out across the rivers and lakes of Europe.
I will demonstrate how our staged re-making of these objects have become multi-disciplinary events, bringing together scholars, film makers and musicians with the aim of exploring new ways of interpreting the past through dialogues around art, craft and archaeology.
Our work has enabled us to achieve a unique connection, through wood craft, between the contemporary maker and the individual who, over two millennia past, created these precious objects. We see how a shared understanding of the nature of working wood by hand, and a respect for this important natural resource, forms a bond that spans thousands of years.
Re-crafting the past-The Pallasboy Project, recipients of the World Wood Day Foundation grant 2016-2017——2018世界木材日研讨会