Carving for Life: Learn from Sukodono Carver Community——2018世界木材日研讨会


会议地点:柬埔寨 · 暹粒
演讲嘉宾:Bambang Kartono Kurniawan, 印度尼西亚Bina Nusantara大学

摘要:It is a concern that the ancient line of carving in Jepara will be extinct. Eventhough it’s already became a life style for most of the people there. It’s help them to grow a living, it is also support them to fund the daily needs, school fee, and building their own house. Sukadono is the well known region of Jepara. A lot of talented carvers was living there, they have fine carve and high quality. Almost every night the relentlessy rhythmic sound of wooden tapping to be heard in every part of Sukadono, as if Jepara carving industry continuesly beating. But, early on 2000, in addition to the impact of global economic crisis, the demand for carving products began to diminish due to various lack of design innovation, and it caused the lack of attraction and appreciation of the community. Young generation had lost their interest to continue to preserve their ancient carving.

Wooden furniture industry in Jepara which is hiring a lot of carvers in their golden age, had used a large amount of wood material. Based on the study of CIRAD (French agricultural research centre for international development) and CIFOR (centre for international forestry researh) in 2007 which is entitled as “Atlas of wooden furniture industry in jepara, Indonesia”, established that the large amount of wood supply has been used. They found that the district area in Jepara could consume 1.5 to 2.2 million m3/ years than the official production of State Foresty Department fot all Java 923. 632m3 in 2004. This unwisely wood cosumed would be affected to the abundance of waste wood from furniture industry.

There’s only 300 carvers left in Sukadono, both learn autodidact since they were little and graduated from carving school or college. It’s such a interesting subject to be study from Sukadono community of carving to acquire such a experience on how carving can provide benefits for living in a community. We are able to know how this carving community creatively encourage the young generation to preserve carving ancient and how to manage waste material around their environment from furniture industry. Beside that, we can also learn the approaching method of social entrepreneuship empowerment based on cultural and environmental sustainability for community of carvers which is expected to improve their quality of living due to the increasing value of their carving products and wisely managing the sustainability of their material.
