Opportunities for Understanding Wood Durability and Wood Protection of Cambodian and Southeast Asian Wood Products from their Biological Enemies——2018世界木材日研讨会


会议地点:柬埔寨 · 暹粒
演讲嘉宾:Andrew Wong Han Hoy, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak / IUFRO

摘要:Wood is awesome - it is the only strong natural biomaterial suited for a wide variety of products and constructional uses that never fail to disappoint. However no matter how good wood is from usable trees, there appears to be much less appreciation concerning how far it can resist attacks from notable wood-destroying organisms found throughout the temperate and tropical climes. In the humid tropics in particular, such as Cambodia and other ASEAN regions, many wood products in service indoors or outdoors (various biological hazards) are predisposed to serious threats of wood decay fungi, termites and wood borers that can "consume" wood relatively rapidly. Hence recognising the natural durability of wood species of these tropics provides a clear decision on wise choice of wood species for particular hazards, and also in the development of benign biocidal wood protection strategies that aims to ensure long lived utilised wood products prevail in this region which certainly helps bestow treated as well as durable wood products as climate-friendly, climate-mitigating, material that society desires. An outline of various biological threats to wood in this region and opportunities for wood protection, of relevance also to Cambodian situations, are highlighted in this topic.
