Revitalising and Retooling Anachronistic Crafts for Contemporary Use in the Face of Diminishing Resources——2018世界木材日研讨会


会议地点:柬埔寨 · 暹粒
演讲嘉宾:Allan David SCHWARZ, Mezimbite Forest Centre

摘要:A walk on the beach in any major city in Mozambique will tell you that there are a lot less fish than there were only ten years ago, it does not pay to make a new traditional fishing canoe anymore and fewer and fewer people are bothering to even maintain the old ones. However there are a lot of skills engaged in these practices that would be a tragedy to discard.
Demand for well crafted objects from our highly sought after noble hardwoods is growing, but the resource base is sadly diminished by unsustainable management and corrupt regulation.
This paper demonstrates how timber which does not fit the current grading rules is used to make exceptional heirloom quality household and decor goods by utilising the old boat building and maintenance skills, along with more modern machines, tools and adhesives. And how the improved livelihoods of forest and fishing people become an incentive to conserve and restore both their marine and forest resources.
