2017世界木材日研讨会——Woody Plant Diversity and Traditional practices in Nepal Himalaya


演讲嘉宾:Krishna Kumar SHRESTHA,尼泊尔植物学会

摘要:Nepal Himalaya, enriched with 6500 species of flowering plants, comprises nearly 1500 species of woody species (trees, shrubs and woody climbers). Case studies conducted in Tarai Arc Landscape (Lowland, Western Nepal), Kangchenjungha Landscape (Mid hill, Eastern Nepal), and Annapurna Conservation Area (High hill, Central Nepal) have been presented to elucidate the occurrence of woody species and traditional practices for the existence of livelihood and culture. Conducting empirical ethnobotanic survey, comprising primary and secondary data, woody species have been enlisted based on ten broad categories: timber, firewood, fodder, food, medicine, household construction materials, culture/ ritual, fibre, dye/tannins and miscellaneous categories. Based on the traditional uses of the tree species, 100 woody tree species are reported from lowland, among these, medicinal plants (72%), food (47%), fodder (38%), timber (19%) and fuelwood (13%) are being used. Similarly, in the mid hill, 100 woody tree species are reported, of which medicine (62%), fodder (46%), food (42%), firewood (23%), and timber (14%) are being used. In the high hill, 48 species are mostly used for medicine (52%), followed by fodder (40%), and food (29%). Obviously, in all three landscapes, the woody plant species are mostly exploited for medicinal, food and fodder value. Exploitation of the woody species is influenced by the local availability, thus, it is recommended that the species with high use categories should be given high conservation priority. Conservation initiatives by the government establishing protected areas, and initiation of community forests program are successful initiatives to conserve woody genetic resources and vast sources of ethnobotanical heritage of Nepal.
