2017世界木材日研讨会——Culture, Comfort, and Commerce: Reflections on the Many Meanings of Wood in Human History


演讲嘉宾:Harvey GREEN,美国东北大学

摘要:This paper will offer thought, ideas and interpretations of the ways in which wood in general and certain species of wood have come to be associated with cultural ideal, ideals and norms in cultural history. Some cultural identifications grew out of the physical or aesthetic qualities of the species of wood or woods involved, as in the case of oak and strength of character. Other values were products class identifications with certain species, as in the cases of huang-huali, Cuban mahogany, and rosewood. More recently, wood in general has become imbued with the social, cultural and political values associated with alternative lifestyles, environmental and conservation movements, and antitechnology ideas and cultural criticism. Wood has become, therefore, both the material of culture and a cultural surface onto which peoples have rendered aspirations, criticism, and beliefs. Even as it remains an important commercial material vital to the construction of shelter and goods with which people surround themselves, it is also a vital part of a set of abstract ideas deeply connected to alternative cultures that celebrate the organic, artisanal and pre-industrial worlds from which human beings have developed to this day.
