演讲嘉宾:Mehmet Hakki ALMA,土耳其Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam大学教授
演讲摘要:The decorative wooden objects found in excavations in Central Asia show that the Turkish art of woodcarving dates back to the distant past. As in other branches of art, animal motifs with legendary and religious significance were frequently used in the decoration of wooden objects.
This tradition known as the "animal style", was gradually abandoned and replaced by vegetal and geometric motifs after the Turks adopted Islam. Extant everyday objects used over the lengthy time segment encompassing both the Seljuk and Ottoman periods are so few as to be practically non-existent. In contrast, architectural accessories of religious structures dating from the Seljuk period, as well as objects used in these buildings, are sufficient in number to give a good idea of Turkish woodcarving. Doors and window shutters, pulpits of mosques, sarcophagi in mausoleums, Koran stands and lecterns display highly advanced woodcarving.
Although rare, carvings of animal figures on such objects are interesting as an illustration of the continuity of this tradition. Architectural elements in certain mosques in Anatolia provide considerable information on woodcarving in principalities during the post-Seljuk period. The columns and capitals as well as beams of these mosques, most of which date from the 13th century, exhibit distinct woodcarving. Pulpits of mosques in particular tended to be almost exclusively constructed out of wood.
It is a fact that woodcarving developed following the migration of the Turks to Anatolia, a phenomenon in which the influence of geography and the cultural milleu cannot be denied. In this connection, it is important to remember that at the time Anatolia was very rich.
Mehmet Hakki ALMA先生1988年毕业于土耳其Karadeniz Technical大学林业工程专业并获学士学位。之后他继续在本校的学习,并于1991年获硕士学位,研究方向为森林生物和木材保护技术。1996年他毕业于日本京都大学并获得博士学位,研究方向为木材科学与技术。完成学业后,他任教于土耳其Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam大学至今。
2015世界木材日研讨会——The Wood Culture in Turkiye: Past, Present and Future