

会议名称:2014 第五届中国—东盟国际木文化论坛
     2014 The 5th China-ASEAN International Wood Culture Forum
报 告 人:唐开军


It analyzed the characteristics and connotation of Chinese furniture culture and the background of its gradual westernization in the history. It proposed the historical stage division on the westernization process of Chinese furniture culture. It discussed the route of Chinese furniture culture disseminating to western countries in four aspects: war and trade, religion and missionary, artifacts and architecture, culture reference and syncretism. It uses the formation of Chinese traditional furniture era background and today's social status as the springboard, and it dissertates the necessity of Chinese traditional furniture innovation; and under the premise of protection of Chinese traditional furniture culture, it is from the age connotation, product design, production technology, marketing, brand building, etc. to deeply dissertates Chinese traditional furniture innovation.

Mr. TANG Kaijun, professor of college of Art and Design, Shenzhen University, engaged in teaching and research work of the design and manufacture furniture. He is the director of college of Art and Design, Shenzhen University. He has long been engaged in "modern Chinese style furniture" theoretical research, product development and application work, and achieved good results in the application of domestic enterprises.

编辑:Pi Ning