

会议名称:2014 第五届中国—东盟国际木文化论坛
     2014 The 5th China-ASEAN International Wood Culture Forum
报 告 人:许美琪


Furniture is a kind of material civilization of human-being. In the long history, the brilliant classical furniture civilization had been built by Chunghwa race. During the process of the great revival of Chunghwa race, the transformation and upgrade of Chinese furniture industry will build Chunghwa modern furniture civilization which is appropriate to the life style of modern Chinese people. Chunghwa modern furniture civilization must be based on the Chinese traditional culture and adapt the good fruits of the total human-being furniture civilization and is becoming the one of the world furniture civilization.


Prof. XU Meiqi is Deputy Chief of Shanghai Furniture Research Institute, Vice Chariman of China Wood Drying Institute, Visiting Professor at College of Wood Science and Technology, Nanjing Forest University, and China Northeast Forest University as well as Editor-in-Chief of Furniture Magazine. A veteran in the furniture and woodworking industry with on-the-ground factory experience, his in-depth studies and research in the furniture field won him numerous awards over the years. His articles as well as thesis have been published in leading industry journals and related publications. Currently, Professor Xu’s focus is centered on the research of furniture design theory, international furniture markets, furniture marketing theory.
