The aim of paper is to introduce the traditional timber constructions in Turkey, which form a majority in existing Ottoman legacy.
The first section explores the regional differences in housing tradition, developed according to local features and defined by architectural features, material characteristics and availability of materials. Derived from these regional differences in the second section, variations in traditional timber construction systems in Turkey are given with special emphasis on Ottoman half-timber frame (hımış) system. In this part besides the hımış technique, which expanded all over Ottoman land from Balkans to Syria, timber masonry and frame systems in Eastern Black Sea Region and Thrace are given in detail with visual documents.
As conclusion, advantages and disadvantages of these timber buildings are discussed focusing on earthquake resistance of these construction techniques.
Speaker Biography
Dr. Neriman SAHIN GUCHAN, Professor, Department of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Working as a professor at the Graduate Program in Restoration, METU Department of Architecture, Neriman Şahin Güçhan, who particularly contributes to education on the issue of historic site preservation, has been involved in many researches and conservation projects since 1984 whilst acting as the practicing conservation architect for some others. Her academic fields of interest include: preservation, rehabilitation and management of the historical environments; training / education on preservation of and historical buildings and traditional houses, especially timber frames. Having contributed to 19 books, for 6 of which she was a compiler, she has about 80 articles / papers published, half of which was in English. Presently serving as a member of Scientific Advisory Board for sites / artifacts such as Ani, Mardin Castle and Milet İlyas Bey Complex, Şahin Güçhan acts as the coordinator for Commagene Nemrut Conservation and Development Program (www.nemrut.org.tr) which focuses on Nemrut Mount Tumulus, which is a World Heritage Site, since 2006. Şahin Güçhan is a member of the associations, KORDER, OMİM and SANART, DOCOMOMO Turkish National Committee, ICOMOS Turkish National Committee and registered with Ankara Branch Office of Turkish Union of the Chambers of Architects and Engineers.