WOOD is GOOD: Claiming Spaces and Voices in a Digitized World


会议名称:2013 第四届中国—东盟国际木文化论坛
     2013 The 4th China-ASEAN International Wood Culture Forum
报 告 人:Prof. Grace Javier Alfonso, PhD
     Chancellor, UP Open University

ABSTRACT: This paper traces the UP Open University’s involvement in the “Wood is Good” movement, in particular the Wood Carving Exhibit and Competition that UPOU organized through the support of the International Wood Society. Against the socio-cultural backdrop of the towns where these local artisans hailed from, it analyzes the artistic rendering of the entries and the respect these makers showed for wood as a material. Issues on the praxis of wood carving and natural resource sustainability are raised. The roles of networking in the virtual world in facilitating discourses in these issues are also identified.
