会议名称:2013 杉木文化国际研讨会
2013 International Wood Culture Symposium on Taxodiaceae
报 告 人:裴盛基
摘要:云南地处中国西南部山地,是中国生物多样性最富集的省份,已知云南高等植物16,577种,约占中国总数的二分之一。据《云南树木图志》(1988)记载,全省木本植物约5,000种,森林树木2,000种,其中杉科植物4属4种,即杉木属的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceoalata);台湾杉属的秃杉(Taiwania flousiana);水松属的水松(Glyptostrobus pensilis);柳杉属的柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei);另有引种栽培2属2种:落羽杉属之池杉(Taxodium ascendens)和水杉属的水杉(Metasequia glyptostroboides)。杉科植物的多样性如同一面镜子,反射出云南的生物多样性,从低海拔热带森林到亚高山寒温带森林的丰富多样特征。云南世居民族26个,人口4,200万,其中三分之一是少数民族,大多居住在森林地区。各民族在长期生产、生活实践的过程中,与森林建立了密不可分的关系,形成了利用和保护森林的民族森林文化,为森林可持续利用和生物多样性保护做出了巨大的贡献。本文重点讨论民族森林文化对生物多样性保护作出的贡献,包括:1)传统信仰文化与森林保护;2)森林资源的可持续性与传统文化;3)森林传统知识与现代林业发展等三个方面的内容。
Abstract: The mountain province of Yunnan situates in southwest China, is the richest area ofbiological diversity and cultural diversity in China. There has been recorded 16.577 species of higher plants making up 50% of China total flora. According to ‘Illustration of Trees in Yunnan’(1998) there are 5,000 woody plants and 2,000 forest tree species recorded in Yunnan, of which 4 species are native Taxodiaceae trees that are: Cunninghamia lanceoalata; Taiwania flousiana; Glyptostrobus pensilis and Cryptomeria fortunei; besides, there has been introduced and cultivated Taxodiaceae trees such as Taxodium ascendens and the ‘living fossil-tree’, Metasequia glyptostroboides. The high diversity of Taxodiaceae in Yunnan as a mirror reflects biodiversity of Yunnan, from low-land tropical forests to alpine boreal forests presenting a diverse pattern of genetic, species, ecosystem, landscape and its geographical distribution. Yunnan is also known as home land for some 26 ethnic cultural groups with population 42 million among them one-third are ethnic minority people, many are living in forest areas. Through history, people of Yunnan have established inseparable relationships in their material life and cultural life with forests, and develop forest culture of utilization and protection of forests in their surrounding environments, made great contribution to conservation of forests and biodiversity in Yunnan. This paper discusses contribution of traditional ethnic forest cultureto biodiversity conservation including three aspects: 1) traditional cultural believe and forest protection; 2) forest resources sustainability and traditional culture; 3) forest related traditionalknowledge and modern development of forestry.
Key words: forest, Yunnan, traditional culture, Taxodiaceae, sustainable developme
裴盛基,中国科学院昆明植物研究所研究员,博士研究生导师。中国民族植物学会主席,中国植物学会药用植物与植物药专业委员会顾问,中国生态学会中药资源生态专业委员会副主任,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)国家公园与自然保护委员会(WCPA)委员,自然保护区文化与精神价值工作组(CSVPA)成员,物种委员会药用植物组成员Journal of Ethnobotany国际编委,Society of Ethnobotanists高级会员。历任中国科学院原云南热带植物研究所所长,昆明植物研究所副所长,国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)资源环境部主任。生物多样性专家,世界自然基金会(WWF)国际技术顾问,国际民族生物学会(ISE)主席。主要从事植物资源、植物分类、民族植物学研究。发表学术论文、论著120多篇(部):获国内9b科技奖项12项,是我国民族植物学的开创者,荣获民族植物学家协会最高奖哈什伯杰奖和美国东西方研究协会杰出奖。
Mr. Pei Shengji, professor of Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was the Biodiversity Specialist and Chief of Division of Mountain Natural Resources and Environment, International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMD), Kathmandu from 1990-1998 and then professor and Director of Ethnobotany Department, KIB, CAS, while served as International Technical Advisor to People and Plants Programme, WWF – UNESCO –Kew Garden, and responsible for Pakistan Applied Ethnobotany Project from 1999-2005. Currently, he is the Professor at KIB, CAS and Chairman of Key Laboratory Scientific Committee, President of Chinese Ethnobotany Association, Chairman of Board, Center for Biodiversity andCulture Diversity Conservation and Fellow of the Linnean Society of LondonMr. Pei has 120 research papers and 12 books published at home and abroad since engaged in botany in the late of 1950.