

会议名称:2013 杉木文化国际研讨会
     2013 International Wood Culture Symposium on Taxodiaceae
报 告 人:赵辰



Abstract: The traditional wooden construction system of China and East Asia is the crucialcharacter of cultural tradition in the area. Influenced by the classic aesthetics and art historiography in the West, it has been with nearly hundred year of research for the Chinese history of wooden architecture, always concerned too much about architectural form and styles. While with the insight of tectonic culture thoughts to review the history of wooden construction in China, we can discover the wooden tectonic culture of Yue (traditionally named as “Hundred Yues”, included historically Luoyue, Yuyue, Ganyue, Minyue, Nanyue etc.) should be the main body of the wooden tectonic culture of China and East Asia; the timber of China Fir(Cunninghamia), as the important construction material, has been played key role from ancient to today, especially for the building and bridge constructions.

Author has made researches on two construction types of Yue’s wooden tectonic culture which were preserved to today: Wooden Arched Bridge (span); Wooden Drum Tower of Dong Race (height), and based upon those researches, it was recognized: China Fir (Cunninghamia) had been used as construction material in Yue’s wooden tectonic culture, which meaningfully named as “construction wood”, “shoot wood”. There existed enormous knowledge about botanic ecologic, social concepts and methodology in Chinese cultural tradition, should be valued as for the multi-disciplinary studies of today.


Mr. Zhao Chen, Professor and dean of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Vice president of China Covered Bridges  Research  Society, Chairman of the 3rd China International Symposium on Covered Bridges. Mr. Zhao got his bachelor  and master degree major in architecture  from Nanjing  Institute of Technology  and  doctorate  from  Department of Architecture of Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Swiss in 1998.
