会议名称:2013 杉木文化国际研讨会
2013 International Wood Culture Symposium on Taxodiaceae
报 告 人:Andrea D. Wolfe
Professor of The Ohio State University
Abstract: Sequoia sempervirens (Taxodiaceae s.s.; Cuppressaceae s.l.) is native to a small Pacific coastal region of northern California and southern Oregon (USA). The genus is monotypic and includes the tallest trees in the world. The accessibility of the terrain where the coastal redwoods occur initiated a timber industry after the California gold rush was in full swing.Redwood lumber is economically important for the volume of timber per tree, its resistance to termites and fungi, as well as its fire resistance properties. Most of the old growth forests were decimated after a century of intensive logging. The remnant old growth patches are protected in National and State Park systems scattered across the original range of the species. However, logging operations continue on a much smaller scale than in the past, and redwoodlumber continues to be valued not only for the timber industry, but also for its aesthetic properties for fine woodworking, sculpture, and woodturning.
Speaker Profile
Andrea D. Wolfe ,美国俄亥俄州立大学副教授,她的主要研究 领域为植物分类学和进化生物学,拥有25 年科学研究经验。此外, 她也是一位多才多艺并为世界公认的木艺术家,专攻制作带有植物 学灵感的木旋作品。
Andrea D. Wolfe 毕业于美国克拉克技术学院,主修景观园艺学 并获准科学学士学位;于美国俄克拉荷马州立大学主修植物学获学 士和博士学位并于美国范德堡大学进行了“光合作用基因的分子进化”方向的博士后研究工作。
Dr. Andrea D. Wolfe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Evolution, Ecology, andOrganismal Biology at The Ohio State University. Her research focus is plant systematics andevolutionary biology. In addition to her 25 years as a research scientist, Dr. Wolfe is anaccomplished, and internationally recognized, wood artist, specializing in carved woodturningsfeaturing botanically inspired motifs.
Dr. Wolfe holds an Associate of Science degree in landscape horticulture from Clark TechnicalCollege, Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. degrees in botany from the University of Oklahoma, anddid her postdoctoral research on the molecular evolution of photosynthesis genes at VanderbiltUniversity.