Sustainability of the African Blackwood (Dalbergia Melanoxylon Guill & Perr) in Tanzania


会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:Suzana Augustino
     Senior Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
The African blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon Guill & Perr) is the national tree of Tanzania used for carving ornaments among main uses. Despite the value and importance, it has until recently, been neglected in terms of conservation. Analysis of the current market of blackwood and its long term sustainability was done focusing the attention on selected areas. Specifically a basic analysis on key regions with commercially viable quantities was done, established the likely stocks in terms of annual harvest, wood processed, and wood waste. Surveys and interviews with the stakeholders were used, supplemented with literature review. African blackwood in commercially viable quantities is found in the Southern regions of Tanzania namely; Lindi and Mtwara. The other potential areas are Pwani, Morogoro, Tanga and Manyara regions, catering for the carvings and the domestic market requirements. The total stocking volume was 75,392.1 m3 with harvestable volume of 58,203.3 m3. The total annual harvesting rate of blackwood was estimated at 4,482 m3 out of which about 3,500 m3 (79%) were wasted, 732 m3 (16%) were used for domestic purposes by households, 150 m3 (3%) were consumed in carvings and 100 m3 (2%) were exported sawn wood. Unless checked, it is unarguable that the future commercial exploitation of blackwood in the country is at a threat as most trees are illegally harvested at an unsustainable rate and wasted, yet there is insufficient natural regeneration taking place following frequent wild fires. The country needs an urgent national wide inventory of its Blackwood stocks to obtain the quantity, quality, increment and extent so as to enable planning of sustainable management of these resources. Carvers and other stakeholders need to be sensitized to integrate their activities in order to make more efficient use of the harvested trees. The African blackwood areas should be protected from illegal logging and wild fires. Early burning of blackwood areas should be encouraged and made an annual exercise. A national wide sensitization program to embark on planting African blackwood in either plantations or agro-forestry systems, after thorough tree breeding research is required.

Speaker Profile
Suzana is a Senior Lecturer at Sokoine University of Agriculture with extensive experience in research on Sustainable Utilization of Forest Products both Timber and Non Timber. Research and Consultancy experiences cut-cross from Sustainable Use of Natural Resources especially the Medicinal Plants, Lesser utilized and neglected wild plant species, Gender to current global issues like Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and REDD related aspects.
