Humanity Must Protect Forests, Trees and Nature


会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:Andrew Wong
     Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products),
     Associate Professor, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Speaker Profile
Andrew Wong born in May 15th, 1958, has been studied Forestry at Australian National University since 1981 and finished both of his Bsc and Msc studies there. He then continued doctorate research at Oxford University, and received PhD in 1993. Andrew Wong had been working at Forest Research Institute Malaysia as a Forest products Scientist after finished his master program of studied till 2002. He then started his teaching and academic research career at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak as a Lecturer. Wong is a member of International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRGWP), and used to be the Convener of IRGWP Natural Durability Working Party (2006 – 2012). He is now   the Coordinator of International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 5 (Forest Products) and  sit in the board of IUFRO. Wong is still teaching in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak as Associate Professor, his  research interests include topics of Wood durability, Wood quality, Wood protection, Wood biodeterioration, Termite/Fungal tests, Preservative tests, and Preservative leaching to the environment.
