会议名称:2013世界木材日研讨会(2013 World Wood Day Symposium)
会议地点:Karimjee Hall, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
报 告 人:Edmond C. Adjovi
Ecole Polytechnique d’Abomey-Calavi
Wood waste and polystyrene share their space in nature is a major concern for the preservation of the environment. Management of this waste could therefore pass through recycling to make a composite wood /polymer that can be used for wood products in the building: where the purpose of our work.
To achieve this, the polystyrene was melted in gasoline to get an adhesive that form the matrix of the composite. The adhesive is then reinforced with the sawdust recycled then the mixture obtained is compressed with an electronic press. Plates dimensions were manufactured to examine the one hand the physical properties namely the density and the absorption and the other mechanical properties such as the modulus of elasticity in bending and breaking. The physical and mechanical properties of the composites depend on the particle size. Indeed denser composites are those composed of finer particles: the density is a decreasing function of the particle size. The modulus of elasticity and fracture are increasing functions of the particle size.
Speaker Profile
Prof. Edmond C. Adjovi, Professor / Director of the School of the Sciences and Techniques of Building and the Road to Abomey/BENIN (West Africa) , University of Abomey-Calavi