报告嘉宾:Terence John Martin
Terry Martin 先生生活在澳大利亚布里斯班,他既是一位职业木工艺术家同时也是一位作家。自1990 年以来,他曾在世界各地举办作品展览会,还曾出版过两部书籍,在7个国家13 种期刊上发表了200 余篇关于木旋、木雕及相关学科类的文章。他还曾经担任过几家期刊杂志的编辑。
Terry Martin 先生经常担任世界各地木雕艺术展的策划人,并且每年都出席木材界的相关会议并在会上发言。他的研究兴趣包括木旋的历史、当代木雕艺术和木旋的国际化交流。Terry Martin 先生是美国木旋协会无国界车床工人分会主席,他将代表美国木旋协会出席本次会议。
报告摘要:Terry Martin will speak about woodturning, an ancient craft that has been widespread across Asia, the Middle East and Europe for at least 2500 years. Turning thrived as a craft for the rapid andinexpensive production of simple functional articles until well into the 20th Century. Although it still survives in this form in some countries, after the 1950s it started to decline in most parts of the world with the changing of fashion and the development of alternative materials such as plastic. In the latter years of the 20th Century woodturning was revived as a craft and it has been reinvented by professional artists and hobbyists across the Western world as a means of self-expression. Although this turning is often very different to traditional work, it has ensured the preservation of skills that might otherwise have been lost.