Philippine Forestry and Wood-Based Industry Situation


演讲嘉宾:Diomedes A. Racelis 菲律宾大学洛斯巴尼奥斯分校林业和自然资源学院副教授

报告摘要:The Philippine forestry and wood-based industry used to comprise more than 50% of the country’s Gross Domestic Production from the 1950s up to 1970s.  Unfortunately, the pervasive logging activities during the period resulted in the drastic reduction in forest cover (23%) that inevitably led to the decline in the industry. The Philippine forest industry is comprised of the following sub-sectors: sawmilling or lumber industry, veneer and plywood industry, and furniture and secondary manufactured wood products industries. Most companies engaged in sawmilling and veneer and plywood manufacture are affiliated with the Philippine Wood Producers Association (PWPA). Furniture manufacturers are either members of the Chamber of Furniture Industries of the Philippines, Inc. (CFIP) or with the Cebu Furniture Industries Federation, Inc. (CFIF). There is no formal organization of secondary wood manufacturers in the Philippines. The paper describes the various sub-sectors in the industry including market overview, timber production, imports, and future trends. It will also attempt to relate the historical and cultural context of timber industry in the country.

嘉宾简介:Mr. Diomedes A. Racelis has more than 25 years of experience in the renewable natural resources management sector, specifically on research, teaching, planning and implementation of forestry, renewable natural resources and watershed development projects. His major fields of specialization are forest/watershed resources management and planning, forest land use planning, forest biomass assessment, environmentally-sustainable forest harvesting and climate change and forestry.   

He has extensive experience in forest and watershed resources management.  For instance, he was the Natural Resources Management Specialist in the New Zealand Government-funded Philippine Forestry and Wood-based Products Scoping Study (2010), Team Leader of the DENR-World Bank-funded Agos-Kanan Integrated Ecosystem Management Planning (2009-2010) and Barangay Land Use Zoning for the Kaliwa Watershed (2002-2005). He was the Natural Resources Management Specialist of the World Bank-funded Philippine Climate Change Adaptation Project being implemented by the FASPO-DENR (2008). He has been the Team Leader and Watershed Management Specialist of a number of EIA projects. He was commissioned by the World Bank and the Government of Bangladesh to formulate the Code of Practice for Forestry Operations for Ministry of Environment of the Government of Bangladesh which is being used in rationalizing the management of the country’s forest and watershed resources (2001).
