

时间地点:2011年10月20日,印度班加罗尔J N Tata多功能礼堂
演讲嘉宾:Olga G. Sevan
演讲题目:Tradition and modern of house paintings and arts of every day life on wood

摘要:The paper is dedicated to one of the most interesting phenomena of the Russian folk art – house paintings and decorative details of every day life on wood.

It is for the first time this topic (monograph) gives quite a detailed analysis and description of house paintings and decorative details on wood, and different furniture, wooden objects of every day life dating back to the middle of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century and located in the regions of the Russian North in connection with the author’s work as the chief architect of the project in the museum of wooden architecture (Open Air Museum) in the village of Malye Korely near the city of Archangelsk.

The author illustrates the history of the historic-cultural region, types of settlements, dwelling wood complexes and estates which one meets in the said area. Then she analyzes various types of folk paintings (fa?ade and interior) on wood, their stylistics, symbolism, places of location, identifies craftsmen (local and those who came from other places), reveals the importance of this type of the folk art in the cultural development of certain lands.
The author put the question how the modern artists or users in different regions of these territories could benefit from increased prosperity and the growing demands for more sustainable consumption and lifestyles.

Olga G. Sevan, Dr. of Architecture, Head of the Department for the “Cultural Environment of Settlements” in Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow). Membership: Union of Russian Architects; ICOMOS - Committees ‘Historical Towns and Villages’- CIVVIH and ‘Vernacular Architecture’- CIAV; Association of European Open Air Museums. O.S. - President of the Russian Committee for the Village and Small Town – ECOVAST (NGO). Author of the General plan (with B. Gnedovskiy), 5 Sectors of the Open Air Wooden Museum “Malye Korely” in Archangelsk (Russian North), 20 restoration projects on wooden monuments etc.
