

时间地点:2011年10月19日,印度班加罗尔J N Tata多功能礼堂
演讲嘉宾:Howard Rosen

摘要: Wood Culture is an interdisciplinary science area which provides a better understanding of the use and social aspects of wood from a cultural perspective. The study of wood culture can provide positive publicity for wood as a sustainable and environmentally friendly material. In the United States (US), there has been a rich history of forest products use since the early settlers came in the 17th century.  Forest products have been a major strategic asset and are critical to the social, economic, and ecological well being of the United States. US history includes trees removal for farmland and significant production of timber products, such as log homes, train trestles, fences, and bridges. The management and procurement of wood products was significantly impacted by the formation of the US Forest Service in 1905 under President Teddy Roosevelt. A rich history of wood culture in art, literature, poetry, and drama developed as a result of the importance of forest products to the US economy.

The US is a wood oriented country, ranking third of all countries in volume of standing forest timber. Abundant forest resources and prudent forest management have allowed U.S. industry to make wood the single largest material resource of industrial production.  Approximately 330 million metric tons of wood is harvested annually in the United States, which is by far the world’s largest industrial timber-producing nation.  The focus of this presentation is on the rich history of wood culture in the US and the use of forest products in the development of the country.

  Howard Rosen博士长期从事木材科学与森林产品研究,曾任职于美国农业部林务局,研究方向是阔叶材的加工利用、木材干燥、木材物理和森林生物能源。之后,他加 入了美国农业部林务局林业服务研究和开发小组执行科学任务,为美国林产品的技术发展政策提供科学技术支持。Howard Rosen博士于2006年退休,现在为美国农业部林务局的志愿研究员。他积极参与许多专业技术团体,同时也是国际林业研究组织联盟(IUFRO)木文化 工作小组的主席(5.10.01)。
