

指导教师:王喜明 教授

摘 要:本论文通过对蒙古族图案收集、整理、归纳、研究和总结以及结合蒙古族图案的特点,构成,组成形式等因素,对木门进行适当的装饰处理,通过民族元素与文化载体的相互融合,从而进一步达到物质功能和精神功能的完美结合。论文中归纳和总结了蒙古族图案的应用方法和设计精髓,以及在木门的装饰中如何辨证地吸收和创新性地运用这些设计理念,同时,设计出几款具有蒙古族特色的木门,从更深的角度去理解蒙古族图案的装饰特色、深刻寓意和精神内涵,在继承和发扬蒙古族民间艺术的基础上,弘扬民族文化,并为创新提供素材。通过研究得出以下结论:

  1 蒙古族图案是中华民族优秀艺术传统,种类繁多、形象生动、实用性强,有深刻的思想内涵和精神寓意。通过研究,可以明显看出蒙古族图案是佛教文化、游牧文化、中原文化等多种文化的大融合。

  2 在创作思路上,常用象征、谐音、借代、组合的方法创作图案;图案的实质是以营造吉兆环境为目的,以此寄托祈福求吉心愿的实用装饰设计;图案的造型,构图方式,色彩的运用和表现技法独具特色。

  3 运用民族元素装饰木门,丰富设计的内容,深化设计的内涵,增强民族特色。图案的应用主要依据装饰部位、实用功能、整体造型、室内风格以及个人品位而定。

  4 蒙古族图案应用前景广阔。随着科学的进步,新技术、新工艺、新材料不断涌现,使图案设计、应用价值和生产需求更合理地结合起来,蒙古族图案有更广泛的应用前景和开发潜力。


Abstract: The paper mainly studied on the Mongolian decorative patterns applying in the wooden door,though collecting,putting in order,summing up,studying and summarizing the Mongolian decorative pattern,and according as integrating characters, composing and form of the Mongolian decorative pattern. By mixing the nation symbol and culture carrier together to embody the material and spirit function perfectly. In addition,the paper concluded and summarized the application methods and the design essences,as well as how to absorb and apply these methods to decorate wooden door. At the same time,designed some doors with the Mongolian characters for the readers to understand fully and deeply it. On the base of inheriting and developing the Mongolian Folk Art,show the Mongolian style,propagate the folk culture,moreover, it provides useful resources for up-to-date design. The conclusions are as follows:

1 The Mongolian decorative pattern is a nation tradition, a great variety, vividness, utility, abundant implication and meaning, showed the combination of Buddhism, Nomadism etc literature.

2 Symbol, partial tone, trope etc are often used in designing pattern. In essence, the pattern can gain a luckiness atmosphere, express peoples' desire to pursuit the happiness and health. The Mongolian Pattern is unique of the model, composition in drawing, color.

3 Application of nation symbol to wooden door decoration, enrich content, deepens connotation, strengthens nation character. The pattern is selected by decorated part, function, interior style etc.

4 The Mongolian Pattern has a bright future in application and development, with the advancement of science, technology, process, materials, and the combination of pattern design, application value and production need reasonably.

Key words: Mongolian decorative pattern, Folk style, Decorating,  Wooden door
