


报告嘉宾:Jun-Jae Lee
     教授 韩国首尔国立大学


NDE (Nondestructive evaluation) using ultrasound and x-ray have been applied to detect deteriorations in wooden member of ancient building. Many problems can be happened in on-site measurement, and primary one is detection of deterioration for wooden member which is hidden by wall and/or floor.

In this study, column and beam members of an ancient wooden building were nondestructively tested in the field, and the feasibility of reconstructing the accurate CT (Computed Tomography) images for detecting internal deteriorations was confirmed. Exact shape of the cross-section was obtained and NDE techniques were applied for detecting deteriorations. In the case of the ultrasonic test, the ultrasonic velocity of the hidden part was assumed properly. X-ray CT image was reconstructed with reduced number of projection data obtained from simple radiographic technique. In order to compensate the lack of x-ray projections, the series expansion method was used as the CT image reconstruction algorithm.

Consequently, CT images were possibly reconstructed with both ultrasonic and x-ray test. Specially, the applied technique was available to derive proper result for detecting deteriorations of the columns which have the hidden part by wall. The techniques improved in this study are expected to be applied efficiently for preservation of the historic wooden buildings.

Keywords: NDE(Nondestructive Evaluation), CT(Computed Tomography), Ultrasonic testing, X-ray test, Ancient Wooden Building
