报告嘉宾:Mike Gray
嘉宾单位:Religious Society of Friends released to a ministry with Indigenous Peoples
This work outlines the historical, cultural, spiritual, and scientific uses and approaches of Ironwood (Olneya Tesota) and various forms of plant life as utilized through the Comcaac (Seri) Communities for cultural productions. Outlining the emergence of this work through the visions and dreams of Jose Astorga and the robust art movement to follow, Gray will lead us through a history of wood creations and their meaning to the Comcaac (Seri) people. Ironwood is a unique entity that has immediate, recognizable and international representation to this small and isolated community. This discussion also works to create conversations around conservation of the desert and creations from this community as symbols of cultural pride for continuity. The Comcaac (Seri) use their agency as Indigenous artists to create the version of themselves that they wish to display the world. The Comcaac (Seri) Community as Gray will discuss, has utilized wood for generations creating knowledge that has been transmitted and now shared in a global platform connecting others who respect and collaborate with the living world around them. Gray will lead us through economic development of the Seri communities and how their manifesting the dream of Astorga continues to have a significant monetary impact for the communities today. Like many tribal communities, the Comcaac (Seri) peoples continue to maintain their traditions in an ever changing landscape. Issues of deforestation, climate change, and development culture also shift our conversations to one of accessibility to plant life and the knowledge behind them. This discussion will draw from recent primary source interviews with the Comcaac people by the International Wood Culture Society. In conclusion, this discussion leads us through historical context and the legacies of Comcaac (Seri) Artists and how they envision and create their futures.