

报告题目:Wood Selection from Temple Structures in Sikkim, Located in the Tibetan Culture Sphere of the Eastern Himalaya
报告地点:尼泊尔加德满都 尼泊尔学院
报告嘉宾:Mechtild MERTZ,法国东亚文明研究中心(CRCAO)


Sikkim, a former independent Kingdom, is now an Indian state, located in the Eastern Himalayas. 

The Eastern Himalayas extend from Central Nepal through North Bengal, over Sikkim, Buthan and Arunachal Pradesh. The mountain enclosure of the Himalayas in the Darjeeling-, Sikkim-, Bhutan- and Arunachal-corner, captures the moisture-laden clouds blown over from the Bay of Bengal, thereby providing the Eastern Himalayas with heavy rainfall from June to October, the so-called monsoon. Therefore, the forest flora is rich in trees species, providing the country with a great timber selection. The study of the wood species used in traditional buildings teaches us how humans made use of the wealth of the forest flora. 

Six temple structures from several regions and altitudes have been investigated. Samples were collected from important structural elements, and identified by means of a microscope. By knowing the wood species the criteria of wood selection could be understood. Besides the environmental factor, religious and social factors also played a role. This study will show, the relationship of the local people with the forest environment in the present and in the past.
