报告嘉宾:Veronica De Micco
嘉宾简介:意大利那不勒斯费德里克二世大学农业科学系 教授
Ongoing climate change is one of the major challenges for forestry and agriculture since it is expected to drastically modify plant growth. In recent decades, tree vulnerability and forest die-back are serious phenomena, rapidly increasing worldwide: therefore, the assessment of forest vulnerability as well as forecasting changes in tree growth are current challenges due to impacts on ecological, social and economic aspects.
Forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean region are particularly vulnerable to climate change. The increase in the frequency and duration of extreme events, such as severe and prolonged drought periods will likely induce plastic adaptive responses in plants, thus affecting plant growth and productivity of forestry systems, and ultimately biogeochemical cycles. The potentially negative impact of environmental changes on Mediterranean forest health and productivity, would consequently alter the role played by such forests in providing key ecosystem services.
This speech highlights the key role of quantitative wood anatomy in understanding tree acclimation considering that the largest part of global vegetation biomass depends on a thin layer of cells, namely the vascular cambium, whose functioning determines the variability of wood traits. The latter have impact on tree eco-physiological behavior as well as on technological properties of wood. The speech also highlights that the study of wood formation and the interpretation of wood anatomical traits is crucial to support other more applied disciplines, including trait-based ecology, forest management, wood technology, etc.
A focus on study cases on anatomical traits of Mediterranean woods to unravel signals hidden in tree-rings that can be used as powerful tools to gain information on past growth performance of plants with intra-seasonal resolution. Understanding how the plants have reacted to past environmental changes can help understanding their plasticity and forecasting their responses to future changes, to evaluate possible consequences on ecosystems but also on wood utilization.