报告嘉宾: Laqshika Patiyal
嘉宾简介: Dr. Y.S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni Solan, India 博士研究生
Keeping in mind the sustainable development goals: Eco-friendly biodegradability, economical sustainability and cleaner production technologies have become key factors in delivering products to the market. Wood being one such material is a biopolymer known for its renewability and high aesthetic value. Wood is a biological entity and is prone to degradation by biotic as well abiotic agents. One such degradation which is of great concern to the wood-based industries is the photodegradation of wooden surface due to UV radiation. The UV exposure leads to the discoloration of the wooden surface owing to degradation of lignin component present in the wood. In order to protect the surface wood-based industries use synthetic organic photostabalisers (HALS-Hindered Amine Light Stabiliser, hydroxyphenyl benzoate, Hydroxyphenyl benzotriazols etc.) which are bio accumulative and toxic to the environment. Hence there is need of research which focuses on development of eco-friendly coatings to the wooden surface. There are a number of plants which are known for their anti UV activity. The proposed work therefore focuses on development of natural plant based extracts to be used as potential photostabalisers. Recent studies have proven natural plant extracts ( example: bark extracts from heartwood of Acacia confusa) to be used as potential photostabalisers. FTIR analysis, light fastness test using QUV accelerated weathering tester, colour analysis has shown significant results regarding photostabalization of wooden surface as compared to the synthetic photostabalisers available in the market. This cleaner technology can help prevent the accumulation of toxic affluents in to the environment and also increase the shelf life of wood to be used for multiple uses ranging from furniture to buildings.