报告嘉宾:Andrew Nyorik Nibu
In many parts of the primary native forests of Sarawak, extensive logging of traditional commercial wood species has created secondary (degraded) native forests proliferated with emergent fast-grown pioneer lesser-used hardwoods with plantation potential such as Azadirachta excelsa (local name: sentang), Duabanga moluccana (sawih), Endospermum spp. (terbulan), Ilex cissoidea (aras), Neolamarckia cadamba (kelempayan) and Octomeles sumatrana (binuang). These hardwoods, unlike those dwindling supplies of commercial Sarawak hardwoods, are relatively less dense and light coloured, of perceived lesser biological durability and lesser structural properties although such information about these Sarawak-grown hardwood are scattered. Therefore, a comprehensive study is made on the basic mechanical properties (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, compressive stress parallel to grain, shear stress parallel to grain, hardness, internal bond gluing) and wood density (specific gravity, basic density) of tree stems of these 6 hardwoods conditioned to 12% wood moisture content and compared with green and air dry conditions of the wood. Results revealed that unlike the representative commercial Sarawak hardwood such as Dark Red Meranti (Shorea spp., fam. Dipterocarpacea) included for 49 comparison, all structural properties of the 6 lesser-used hardwoods are relatively low. Nevertheless, these lesser-used hardwoods with appropriate processing technology, can provide sufficient wood structural properties for a number of wood products, as illustrated in this paper, and have tremendous potential in sustaining the Sarawak wood processing industry in the near future.
Keywords: Lesser-used hardwoods, secondary forest, Sarawak, mechanical properties, wood density, wood products