Towards Efficient Wood use – Practical Education as a Tool to Imagine Wood Cascading Potentiality


报告嘉宾:Saara Kantele
嘉宾简介: Kantele工作室 / 芬兰阿尔托大学

What can we learn from possibilities of recycling wood waste by educational means? How could we teach cascading design in practice, a field, means of which are not yet fully revealed?
The construction waste is a massive unutilised opportunity that will be more and more relevant source of material in near future due to new EU-regulation and increase of virgin material and waste management costs. By using the harvested wood more efficiently, including the means of cas-70 cading, we can decrease the pressure on forests as material source and contribute to their role in climate change mitigation and the maintenance of ecosystem services. This paper looks into the educational means to
conduct relevant information about wood cascading possibilities, challenges and possible implementations. It also looks into challenges of practical methods of teaching cascading, generally more theoretical topic.
The paper looks into the themes through a case study, Aalto University's course Re-imagining Wood Waste that took place in Otaniemi, Finland at 2021. The course was run by professor Mark Hughes and designer–architect Saara Kantele and is part of Nordic Waste Wood for good collaboration. The scope of the course was to create a holistic approach on wood cascading through: knowledge of wood and forests life cycle, and cascading possibilities, creating new approaches and applying them on practice. Material used was demolition waste wood. The motivated multidisciplinary student group worked as pairs with both engineering and design background.
The paper shows that the educational approach managed to tackle different relevant aspects of demolition wood cascading, and create new value to material through practical learning. The students concentrated on very different angles of the topic, thus the course work as a whole forms a comprehensive image of demolition wood challenges and possibilities in different scales and stages of cascading.
